
A weather app is a very important thing, especially if you work in an office and you don’t just want to get to work, you want to be dressed for the weather, plus not get wet in the rain and stuff like that. So, the Today Weather app seemed to me just perfect to use – it’s beautiful, clear, gives an accurate assessment of the environment and you can use both the standard set of features and the advanced ones, if you need it too. It’s worth saying that the program is very simple, there’s nothing unrealistic about it that competitors don’t have and if you already have a weather program, you’re perfectly fine to use it, I’m not urging anyone to drop everything and download this app. But, if you’ve been wanting a handy weather app for a long time, but couldn’t find anything suitable, here’s a cool option that’s also free to give away.

Main Menu
When you go into the application, you are immediately shown the options – the application can automatically determine your geolocation and give the weather for this area, or you can choose a city and watch the data for it. It is worth mentioning that the automatic geolocation search does drain the battery more, so if this issue is critical for you, then select your city and that’s it, it’s more convenient. As soon as you select a city, the main menu pops up and everything is very beautiful here. Half of the screen is a picture that shows the weather similar to the one in your city. That is, the program itself picks up a picture based on the weather conditions that are around you and it’s cool. Then there’s the temperature – there’s a degree indicated by a big number and two smaller numbers – one of them shows the temperature as it feels. But, these are details. Next is your city, the date, and a brief description of “Cool” or “Sunny,” for example.

If you scroll further, you’ll notice a tab with a detailed description of the weather. It shows you the temperature and how it feels based on the wind and humidity, which is really the most important parameter, then it shows the humidity, the view radius and other little things. For those who know this and understand the difference between temperature and how it feels, there is a lot of useful stuff here and it is convenient and easy to use, this is an important point. Unfortunately, the main menu only shows the general temperature and there is no way to customize it to your needs.

Weather forecast
An important point is the weather forecast – most applications only show the weather for today, maximum for tomorrow, here the application gives just a huge amount of information. There’s temperature and precipitation by the hour – you can see when it’s going to rain and do your business before it rains. There is also a description of the weather for the next week – you can see when it’s going to snow, what the temperature will be and everything. Very nice and conveniently implemented, nothing extra and only useful information, I really liked it.

Bottom line
I really liked the app – I’m a big fan of these kinds of programs that make my life more comfortable. I think that if it makes sense to you then just download the app, open it, and use it – it even has a nice widget and everything. The only downsides I can mention is the lack of main menu settings – you can’t change the data there and add temperature by feel, plus there’s a little ad window under the main menu. But, it can be turned off, of course for a reason, and I can’t call advertising a big disadvantage, sometimes something really good appears there.

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